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Physicals & Immunizations

Here you will find information regarding well child checks and routine vaccinations. These check-ups are an important part of your child's healthcare and most of the time are offered at no cost to you. Although, insurances do vary, and this excludes other test or medicines your provider may order during your visit. We are constantly looking for ways to make these visits more convenient for you and you can check our announcements page for all upcoming changes.

Well Child Checks

Below you will find a complete list for every well child check and physical your child will need. You will find links for routine guidance that will tell you everything you need to know to keep your child healthy. You will often find a milestone checklist beside younger ages. Going over this checklist before your appointment can be a good way to catch any delays early. Printing these forms and filling them out before you come can also help your appointment move more quickly and allow you to have more time to discuss the things that are most important to you.


Print this form and fill out for your 2 year old visit.

Print this form and fill out for all well child visits from 11 to 20 years old.


Newborn - please see our Prenatal section for more information. Routine Guidance. 

1 Month - Routine Guidance. 

2 Month - Routine Guidance. Milestones. 

4 Month - Routine Guidance. Milestones. 

6 Month - Routine Guidance. Milestones. 

9 Month - Routine Guidance. Milestones. 

12 Month - Routine Guidance. Milestones. 

15 Month - Routine Guidance. 

18 Month - Routine Guidance. Milestones.

2 Year  - Routine Guidance. Milestones.

2 1/2 Year - Routine Guidance. Milestones

3 Year - Routine Guidance. Milestones.

4 Year - Routine Guidance. Milestones.

5 Year - Routine Guidance. Milestones.

6 Year - Routine Guidance. 

7 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

8 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

9 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

10 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

11 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

12 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

13 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

14 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

15 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

16 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

17 Year - Routine Guidance for Parents and Patients

18 Year - Routine Guidance for Patients

19 Year - Routine Guidance for Patients

20 Year - Routine Guidance for Patients

21 years and older - we do not routinely treat patients 21 years of age or older. However, we do continue to treat college traditional students at our Ouachita Health location regardless of age. Certain exceptions may apply. 



At our clinic, we give all routine immunizations as recommended by the CDC. Vaccines are one of the most well studied and regulated parts of medical care provided. They are both safe and effective when given on the CDC recommended schedule. There has been no evidence to suggest that vaccines cause autism.  Oftentimes, parents are concerned about the number of vaccines that their child will receive at one time. Rest assured that your child's immune system can handle these vaccines, and it is safe for them to do so. Delaying vaccination can put your child at unnecessary risk of illness or death. Of course, you are ultimately responsible for your child's health and we will continue to see you even if you choose to not vaccinate. However, we will continue to recommend vaccination at every visit. Below is a list of the vaccines that we offer at our clinic and links to further information about the vaccine. Your provider is always happy to talk to you about recommended vaccines and answer any questions you may have. Please let our staff know if you may be pregnant as some vaccines are not safe for your baby while pregnant. 


Helpful links 

After the shot... what to do if your child has discomfort. 

Vaccines Work!

Vaccinations for Infants and Children, Ages 0-10 Years

Vaccinations for Preteens and Teens, Ages 11-19 Years

Multivaccine (information on shots that contain multiple vaccines)


Vaccines at our clinic:


Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B



Influenza, inactivated











These labs are part of the universal screening recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. This means that we will ask permission to obtain these labs for every child we see, regardless of risk factors. Of course, your provider may wish to obtain other labs based on any other diagnosis and these will be discussed with you during the visit. 


12 months - CBC and Lead

2 year - Lead

11 year - Lipid Panel

16 year - Chlamydia

18 year - Lipid Panel and HIV

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